The prominent online sports betting and gambling platform,, which utilizes digital currencies, has resumed operations following a recent theft.
On the 4th of September, malicious actors illicitly withdrew funds from’s Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) accounts. announced on X (formerly Twitter) that a few of their “hot wallets” were compromised, but reassured users that all funds were secure. further clarified that only the aforementioned wallets were affected, while other wallets, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ripple, remained operational.
After investigating the incident, issued another post on X five hours later, declaring that normalcy had been restored. They confirmed that all services were back online and that users could deposit and withdraw funds in all currencies. An apology was extended for any inconvenience caused.
Media reports suggest that incurred a loss of approximately $41.3 million. While has refrained from providing further details regarding the incident, members of the cryptocurrency community have corroborated this estimated figure.
Established in 2017, has become a well-known online gaming site, attracting over half a million players globally. It operates in various nations, including Canada, Brazil, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
The platform has secured significant sponsorship agreements with sports groups, including a jersey sponsorship with the English Premier League team Everton.’s UK website,, is managed by TGP Europe and is authorized by the UK Gambling Commission.
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